Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Poscards chain writing

Instructions: Fill all the gaps in the top section below and then stop. Fold the paper at the first dotted line so that the part you have written cannot be seen. Pass that piece of paper to the person on your right and take the one from the person on the left. Without looking at the parts that have already been written, fill the gaps, fol the pass in the same way. Continue writing, folding and passing until you reach the bottom of the page. Pass the page one more time, read the one you receive and tell the class whether it makes sense or not ( it usually doesn't )

- Suggestions for things to write in gaps (Please try to think of your own ideas and only look at these if you have to)

1) Dear Mum/ Dad/ John/ Snugglebums/ Mr Smith -------> tittle
2) Hope you are well/ not too busy/ having a good time/ feeling better---->greeting
3) At the moment I am sitting on a beach/drinking coffee in cafe near the Eiffel Tower --> describe a place
4) All around me, people are speaking strange languages/ eating exotic food/ dancing----> describe what people doing
5) This is a wonderful/ a traditional/ an interesting place
6) People told me that the weather was sunny, but actually it is raining ---> the weather
7) We are staying in a hotel/ B&B/ campsite with pool/ wonderful view/ strange smell-->motel
8) It's quite noisy because they are building an airport/ a road next door--> place
9) Also, every morning someone plays the trumpet/ coughs loudly for hours--->complain
10) We walk/ swim/ go sightseeing in the hills/ sea/ town everyday
11) and sometimes we see reindeer/ buy souvenirs
12) We rarely go topless(clothes)/ eat tripe/ sing at home, but here it is quiet normal
13) Yesterday evening, we found an outdoor restaurant/ danced to samba music
14) My daughter/ wife wasn't very happy about it because she was embarrassed/ her feet hurt
15) but now he/ she is drinking cocktails and feeling much better/ sleeping like a baby
16) See you soon/ tomorrow/ next week / at the airport

Dear my sweet sister
Hope you are well
At the moment I am drinking ice tea near beach
All around me, people doing surfing in the sea
This is a/ an nice place
People told me that weather was sunny, but actually it is rainy
We are staying in a hotel with wonderful view
It's quite noisy because they are building a/ an traditional market next door
Also, every morning someone is busy on it
We walk in the sea everyday
and sometimes we buy souvenirs
We rarely go topless at home, but here it is quite normal
Yesterday evening, we found an outdoor restaurant
My daughter wasn't very happy about it because she didn't like the food
But now he/ she is very happy , because she have new toys
See you
Your sister

Senin, 21 Juni 2010


1. Direction by foot or car
Language point
> Go down
ex: Go down Pine Street to Broadway

> Turn
ex: Turn right on Broadway
Turn left on Pine Street

> It's on
ex : It's on your right.
It's on your left.

2. Direction by Car Route
To give directions when driving is to state the route including highways, bridges, tunnels, and turn offs.

Language point
> Take ...
ex: Take coast highway.
Take the Westminister turn off.

> Go Over...
ex: Go over (take) the Alex Fraser Bridge.
Go over (take) the Massey Tunnel.

3. Other ways to give directions.

a). Giving directions in English
"Come off the motorway / highway at Junction ? Exit 12."
"It's signposted Manchester."
"Follow the signs to....."
"There's one-way system in the center of town."
:Take the 'A12' to 'Chelmford".
"Go straight on / left / right at the lights / at the roundabout / at the junction of ... and ...
"Go past the supermarket."
"You'll come to / see....."
"It's the first turning on the right after the bank."

b). Use landmarks to help.
"You'll see a large sign / roundbout."
"On your left you'll see an industrial center / a hospital / the police station."
"just after the crossing / shopping center (or mall)".
"Go past the petrol station / the garage."

visit : www.bog

Ordering at a fast food restaurant

Restaurant employee: Hi, welcome to _________, may I take your order?

Customer # 1: Yes, I'd like a number 2 with no cheese.

Restaurant employee: What drink would you like with that?

Customer # 1: Um, do you have Pepsi?

Restaurant employee: No, sorry, we only have Dr. Pepper, Coke, and Spirit.

Customer # 1: Okay, I'll take Coke.

Restaurant employee: And what can i get for you sir?

Customer # 2: Um, I'd have number three with no mustard and Spirit please.

Restaurant employee: Okay, that'll be 8.75 please.

Customer # 2: ( hands card to employee)

Restaurant employee: That's credit? Your order is number 321.

Customer # 1: Um, excuse me, I'm sorry i ordered a number 2 with no cheese, but this one has cheese.

Restaurant employee: Oh, I'm sorry about the mame, well get one right out to you. Number two with no cheese.

Customer #1: Thanks

Ordering at a formal restaurant

Waiter/Waitress: Hello how are ya'll doing today?

Customers Good, thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: My name is Nina and I'll be your sever today. Can I get you all started with something to drink?

Customers #1: I'd like water please.

Waiter/Waitress: And for you?

Customer # 2: Do you have a iced tea?

Waiter/Waitress: Yes we do, would you like a sweetened?

Customer # 2: No, just a plain tea thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: And would you like to start with an appetizer?

Customer #1: Yes, we'll try the fried mushrooms.

Waiter/Waitress: Here are your fried mushroom. Are you all ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?

Customer #2: I think we're still looking thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders.

Waiter/Waitress: Are ya'll ready to order?

Customer #1: Yes, I'd like the pasta primavera.

Waiter/Waitress: And what would you like for your side? We have a house salad, or soup of the day which is ice cream potatoes.

Customer #1: I'll take a house salad.

Waiter/Waitress: And what kind or dressing would you like your salad?

Customer #1: Do you have oil and vinegar?

Waiter/Waitress: Yes, we do.

Customer #1: I'll take that.

Waiter/Waitress: And for you?

Customer # 2: Um, does your manicotti have any meat in it?

Waiter/Waitress: No It's vegetarian.

Customer # 2: Okay, I'll take that. And what about the cream of potatoes soup, does it have any meat or onions?

Waiter/Waitress: There's no meat in the cream of potatoes soup, but there's onions.

Customer # 2: Oh I'm allergic to onions. So I guess I'll go to with the house salad. it doesn't have any onions does it?

Waiter/Waitress: It does, but I'll just tell the chef to leave them out for you.

Customer #2:Thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: Okay, so i have pasta primavera with house salad, and manicotti with house salad no onions, is that correct?

Customers: Yes.

Waiter/Waitress: Okay, we'll have those right out for you, Just let me know if there's anything else i can get you.

Customers: Thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: How is everything tasting?

Customers: Delicious thanks!

Waiter/Waitress: Is there anything else i can get for you?

Customer # 2: No we're fine thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: Would you like a refill on that tea?

Customer # 2: Yes please.

Waiter/Waitress: Can I interest you in any dessert tonight?

Customer # 2: Not tonight thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: Okay, is this separate or together?

Customer # 1: Together.

Waiter/Waitress: Here's you bill, I'll be your cashier whenever your ready.

(Customer hands bill envelop back to waiter/waitress)

Waiter/Waitress: Do you need a change tonight?

Customer # 1: No thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: Thank you all for coming in today. Have a great evening and come back and see us again.

Customers: Thanks, good evening.