Senin, 21 Juni 2010


1. Direction by foot or car
Language point
> Go down
ex: Go down Pine Street to Broadway

> Turn
ex: Turn right on Broadway
Turn left on Pine Street

> It's on
ex : It's on your right.
It's on your left.

2. Direction by Car Route
To give directions when driving is to state the route including highways, bridges, tunnels, and turn offs.

Language point
> Take ...
ex: Take coast highway.
Take the Westminister turn off.

> Go Over...
ex: Go over (take) the Alex Fraser Bridge.
Go over (take) the Massey Tunnel.

3. Other ways to give directions.

a). Giving directions in English
"Come off the motorway / highway at Junction ? Exit 12."
"It's signposted Manchester."
"Follow the signs to....."
"There's one-way system in the center of town."
:Take the 'A12' to 'Chelmford".
"Go straight on / left / right at the lights / at the roundabout / at the junction of ... and ...
"Go past the supermarket."
"You'll come to / see....."
"It's the first turning on the right after the bank."

b). Use landmarks to help.
"You'll see a large sign / roundbout."
"On your left you'll see an industrial center / a hospital / the police station."
"just after the crossing / shopping center (or mall)".
"Go past the petrol station / the garage."

visit : www.bog

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