Senin, 21 Juni 2010

Ordering at a fast food restaurant

Restaurant employee: Hi, welcome to _________, may I take your order?

Customer # 1: Yes, I'd like a number 2 with no cheese.

Restaurant employee: What drink would you like with that?

Customer # 1: Um, do you have Pepsi?

Restaurant employee: No, sorry, we only have Dr. Pepper, Coke, and Spirit.

Customer # 1: Okay, I'll take Coke.

Restaurant employee: And what can i get for you sir?

Customer # 2: Um, I'd have number three with no mustard and Spirit please.

Restaurant employee: Okay, that'll be 8.75 please.

Customer # 2: ( hands card to employee)

Restaurant employee: That's credit? Your order is number 321.

Customer # 1: Um, excuse me, I'm sorry i ordered a number 2 with no cheese, but this one has cheese.

Restaurant employee: Oh, I'm sorry about the mame, well get one right out to you. Number two with no cheese.

Customer #1: Thanks

Ordering at a formal restaurant

Waiter/Waitress: Hello how are ya'll doing today?

Customers Good, thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: My name is Nina and I'll be your sever today. Can I get you all started with something to drink?

Customers #1: I'd like water please.

Waiter/Waitress: And for you?

Customer # 2: Do you have a iced tea?

Waiter/Waitress: Yes we do, would you like a sweetened?

Customer # 2: No, just a plain tea thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: And would you like to start with an appetizer?

Customer #1: Yes, we'll try the fried mushrooms.

Waiter/Waitress: Here are your fried mushroom. Are you all ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?

Customer #2: I think we're still looking thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders.

Waiter/Waitress: Are ya'll ready to order?

Customer #1: Yes, I'd like the pasta primavera.

Waiter/Waitress: And what would you like for your side? We have a house salad, or soup of the day which is ice cream potatoes.

Customer #1: I'll take a house salad.

Waiter/Waitress: And what kind or dressing would you like your salad?

Customer #1: Do you have oil and vinegar?

Waiter/Waitress: Yes, we do.

Customer #1: I'll take that.

Waiter/Waitress: And for you?

Customer # 2: Um, does your manicotti have any meat in it?

Waiter/Waitress: No It's vegetarian.

Customer # 2: Okay, I'll take that. And what about the cream of potatoes soup, does it have any meat or onions?

Waiter/Waitress: There's no meat in the cream of potatoes soup, but there's onions.

Customer # 2: Oh I'm allergic to onions. So I guess I'll go to with the house salad. it doesn't have any onions does it?

Waiter/Waitress: It does, but I'll just tell the chef to leave them out for you.

Customer #2:Thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: Okay, so i have pasta primavera with house salad, and manicotti with house salad no onions, is that correct?

Customers: Yes.

Waiter/Waitress: Okay, we'll have those right out for you, Just let me know if there's anything else i can get you.

Customers: Thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: How is everything tasting?

Customers: Delicious thanks!

Waiter/Waitress: Is there anything else i can get for you?

Customer # 2: No we're fine thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: Would you like a refill on that tea?

Customer # 2: Yes please.

Waiter/Waitress: Can I interest you in any dessert tonight?

Customer # 2: Not tonight thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: Okay, is this separate or together?

Customer # 1: Together.

Waiter/Waitress: Here's you bill, I'll be your cashier whenever your ready.

(Customer hands bill envelop back to waiter/waitress)

Waiter/Waitress: Do you need a change tonight?

Customer # 1: No thanks.

Waiter/Waitress: Thank you all for coming in today. Have a great evening and come back and see us again.

Customers: Thanks, good evening.

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